Battery calculator

Welcome to the Swaytronic - Accumulator Calculator our new tool to answer / calculate almost all your questions about charging time, energy density, operating time, power density and energy content of an accumulator.

We have tried to provide you with a tool with which you can calculate and thus select the suitable accumulator. Or, if already available, you can check here whether the battery is suitable for the planned use. Please note that the calculated values based on your input are of a theoretical nature and may not be transferred 1:1 to practice, as there are various influencing factors, some of which cannot be predicted.

Sample service

We offer you a sample service from stock - or the highest flexibility for your battery project by producing functional samples on a cell basis. We are at your disposal at any time, do not hesitate to contact us directly.

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Project request

With our project enquiry tool, you can send us a non-binding project enquiry. From the customised single cell to the complete "custom made" battery pack or the SMARTbattery - everything from a single source.

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Design & Engineering

Benefit from more than 5 years of experience, our portfolio includes smallest projects up to complex large-scale projects for industry and commerce. From the single cell to the complete battery pack. We are happy to design your solution.

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Environment & Sustainability

Our efforts with regard to sustainability go beyond the minimum requirements ofthe obligation to inform and take back our products. Thus, we focus on the entire life cycle of our products.

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